Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Can I Safely Use a Laser Pointer?

In recent years laser pointers have received attention in the press and aroused some public concern. When a consumer is, laser pointers are designed to be safe when used for its intended purpose. Unfortunately, the laser pointer are easily abused.

The early laser pointers were helium-neon (HeNe) gas lasers and generated laser radiation at 633 nanometers (nm). These pointers were generally developed to produce a laser beam with a capacity of no more than 1 milliwatt (mW). According to the ANSI system (ANSI Z136.1-1993 American National Standard for safe use of lasers) a visible laser (400-700 nm), which is less than 1 mW power of a laser of class 2, for which the Blink reflex usually adequate eye protection. Retinal injury is possible with a laser of class 2, when a person intentionally overcomes his / her natural aversion response in view of the bar.

The next generation of laser-diode laser pointer used as the optical source. Diode laser pointer initially yielded beams at 690 nm, the difference may be 633-690 nm, both small as visible red wavelengths, but the difference is larger than the human eye interprets. The eye looks five times brighter than 633 nm 690 nm looks. This explains why the first diode laser pointer of an output of 5 mW needed to adjust the brightness of a 1 mW at 633 nm corresponding pointer.

Of a laser safety point of view, the situation is more complicated because new diode lasers have been grown, developed, got the light at 670, 650 and 640 nm as wavelengths of diode lasers emitted shorter, has remained the power at 5 mW.

So we now have 5 mW laser pointer beam at 640 nm, which are extremely bright for the eye. In addition, an even brighter pointer is now on the market whose wavelength at 533 nm (green). This new technology uses a frequency-doubled neodymium: YAG laser with an infrared-blocking component.

Visible laser pointer operating with 1-5 mW are Class 3a and can be hazardous if viewed even for a very short time. Users should never look directly into the beam of Class 3a laser pointers, approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are required to identify "risk". (Class 2 lasers are marked "Caution.") Possible dangers are frightening effects, flash blindness, glare and after-images if a person is struck directly in the eye. Numerous cases of such incidents have been reported, with cases being over-reacted in those individuals flashed. Reports of the victims include a pilot, bus drivers, athletes, teachers and police (see, eg, Rockwell Laser Industries article).

In 1997 the FDA issued a warning on misuse of laser pointers (see information for consumers on topics CDRH). In some states like California, it is a criminal offense to seem a laser pointer at individuals who perceive they are in danger, and it is a crime, a target in an airplane. Some municipalities have regulations that are passed to anyone buying a laser pointer to 18 years old or older. It is expected that the forthcoming revision of ANSI Z136.1 is a special section laser pointers have commented.

In summary, laser pointers are useful tools, but they must be used responsibly. Common sense says that users should never directly with a laser pointer beam to another person. And with laser power above 5 mW should not be used as a pointer.

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