Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thermometers and Thermostats

Not conform any longer the pattern of this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will, his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Warren Wiersbe tells the following story: "The problem is with him, that he was a thermometer and a thermostat is not!" This statement by one of his deacons aroused curiosity of the priest. They discussed possible board members, and Jim had come up name. "

"Pastor, it's like this," said the deacon said. "A thermometer nothing changes around him - it measures the temperature is always up and down but a thermostat controls the environment and change them if they need to be changed Jim is a thermometer -... Lacks the power to change things . Instead, they change it! "

What are you, a thermometer or a thermostat? They are modified or used as a change agent? Do your moods shift with your life circumstances? Does your level of faith with rocking good times and bad times? Is your attitude reflect the prevailing opinion of the majority? Do you feel more like a victim of circumstances as the victor over circumstances? Or is there a uniform level of satisfaction in your life. . . no matter your circumstances, there is a satisfaction in knowing that God is in control?

"Human thermostat" are the ones who stay on top. . . those who see the potential that God-potential, when others become negative. . . those who are willing to take a stand for Christ no matter what it costs. . . those wanting to obey God even when it makes no sense. . . those whom God in a mighty way! There are a lot of running around thermometer. I would like a thermostat, how about you?

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