Monday, June 13, 2011

A Sky Angel

In 1978 I became a flight attendant for a major airline. Earning my wings was the culmination of a childhood dream that I set for myself after my first plane trip at the age of five years. Like many others before me, I fell in love with the romance of air, adventure and helping others.
I flew hundreds of flights since graduation, but it stands out among many.
We flew from Los Angeles to Washington, DC, when I answered a call light to sink into the trainer cabin. There I found a young mother struggling with her child. Everything was a mess, to say the least, and his mother, who was near hysteria, he said he had no more diapers or other clothing on the plane.
Between the tears, informed me that they had lost the night before their flight to Los Angeles because he had little money, she and her son had spent the night on the floor of the airport. While not expected to miss the flight, was forced to use most of its supplies and all the money he had to feed them.
With the saddest eyes I've ever seen, he continued. She told me she was on her way to New Hampshire to offer his son in the family who was adopted. He could not support both.
As she stood in front of me, crying, holding my son is beautiful, I could see the desperation and despair on their faces. And as a mother of three beautiful daughters, I could feel her pain.
I immediately rang the call button and the flight attendants had sought the help of other flight attendants. They brought cloth napkins in first class for easy cleaning of both mother and child. I met and got my bag, because she and I were the same size, I gave him a sweater and a pair of pants that I brought to my call. Then I asked if the family could spare extra diapers, milk and clothes for the baby. After the young mother and her son had changed his clothes and the baby slept, I sat with her, holding her hand, trying to provide support and comfort for the rest of the flight.
After landing, I have a market for the next flight, which leads them to their final destination, the separation. I informed the agent of the door and the crew of the new auxiliary on the situation and asked them to give special attention.
With tears in his eyes I gave her a hug and said, "She showed me the true meaning of courage and love of a mother. I will never forget you."
As she thanked me for everything I had done, I whispered, "You're not the flight attendant, you're an angel from heaven." Touch my flight attendant wings, she continued: "And what are your angel wings."
With these words he turned and walked along the catwalk, her baby in her arms, and flew to New Hampshire.
Although I am no longer a flight attendant, my "angel wings" are still visible in the view in my office. And every time I see them I remember this young woman, her child and the gift she gave me this special day - we really are all spiritual beings in human form of travel.

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